
Proactive Work

Dry July | Jameson Australia

Downtime in the agency - it might be rare, but it’s often when the magic happens.


During the inevitable ‘you doing dry july this year?’ conversation on a quiet afternoon in the office, inspiration struck - to make Jameson Whiskey Australia the first booze brand to participate. Why, I hear you ask, would an industry leading brand like Jameson want to encourage its fans not to drink for an entire month? Well, that’s easy. Fame. Fortune. Social good.


The idea was simple. Create 300 limited edition bottles of Jameson Irish Whiskey with code-locked lids. On august 1st, we’d release the code via Instagram & Facebook live, celebrating with a legendary launch party with all proceeds being donated to the Dry July foundation.

Music To Drink Whiskey To | Jameson Australia

Mates. Music. Whiskey. Three elements that make for remarkable nights in or out. That’s why, when we realised Jameson wasn’t taking full advantage of their talented mates, we created ‘music to drink whiskey to’ - curated Spotify playlists from mates of the brand (think; The Chats / Sloane Peterson / Delta Riggs).

Not only did this help push the brand onto a valuable new platform and extend reach, but it provided actual valuable content for their friends and fans. Have a listen HERE.